Why saying “I want to lose weight” never works

Why saying “I want to lose weight” never works

Most men who join the 30+ Men’s Fitness community say they joined because they want to lose weight, or that they want clothes to fit better. These men typically start full of motivation and lose a decent bit of weight in the first few weeks. But then motivation...
Why do we sabotage ourselves?

Why do we sabotage ourselves?

In this episode I talk about why we sabotage our goals and go into the psychology behind it. Having been guilty of this massively in the past and still facing the battle most days I talk from experience. Having C.B.T when my kids were very young and I felt overwhelmed...
Why you didn’t gain 5lb over the weekend

Why you didn’t gain 5lb over the weekend

Something I often hear on a Monday from my bespoke clients and my online coaching clients is something like this. “Shit Tregs, I’ve done my Monday morning weigh in, and I’ve gained 5lb!” The first thing I tell them is that they haven’t...
How Simon lost 110lb in 7 months

How Simon lost 110lb in 7 months

Simon lost over 110lb in 7 months after waking up and deciding enough was enough. His weight piled on after a car accident that broke his back, with doctors telling him surgery was needed but he may never walk again. Years of depression and food and alcohol addiction...
How I lost 16lb eating only McDonalds

How I lost 16lb eating only McDonalds

I spoke with Ry Williams who is a part time PT and full-time post man originally from Hereford. He recently did a 30 day challenge eating only Mcdonalds in which he lost 16lbs and got in great shape (he was already pretty lean but lost over a stone). He’d been...