30+ Men's Fitness Blog

Tips, the best of Coach Tregs live and more

Prepare for a little hunger!

I want to talk about hunger and WHY you should be prepared to experience some if you are dieting and trying to lose weight. I’ll be honest, this is something I would not have spoken about in the past because obviously as we promote 'whole', 'clean' foods your body...

How did he do that?

Last year we had a new guy join our free global Facebook community and share his before and after pics which were amazing. I have to say they were super impressive and sparked a huge response from the lads who gave him lots of likes and comments which I was chuffed...

Does Eating Late at Night Make You Fat?

In this article I'm going to clear up something else that seems to be banded around the industry and causes a LOT of confusion. Does eating late at night make you fat? Well if you would of asked me that when I'd just started out I would have told you YES! You see when...

Do you really need to detox to lose weight?

Around 6 years ago I went on a weekend nutrition course that basically said in order to lose weight you need to 'detoxify'. What did that mean? Well apparently all man made food contained chemicals and nasties which were known as 'toxins' that the liver didn't like...

Carbohydrates v Protein

In this article I want to talk about carbohydrate versus protein and clear up any confusion there may be about both essential macronutrients. First off let me quickly clarify what both of these macros essentially are. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy and...

Can I sustain this?

I've been lucky enough to interview a LOT of my peers for the 30 Plus Men's Fitness podcast. I always collect a few nuggets from each recording and there's been a handful of things that I've been told this year that have really resonated and made me think about what I...

5 point starter fat loss kit

A lot of lads want to get healthier but have NO CLUE where to start when it comes to fat loss. At a time where we are bombarded with different diets, cleanses and pills its no wonder guys are confused. In this article I’m going to to give you 5 simple steps to get you...

5 tips to lose the gut!

As much as we love exercise, just exercise alone will not help you lose the gut. Your diet is a huge part of the equation. You could spend hours in a gym (not that it's needed) working yourself into the ground, but if your nutrition is NOT in check then you are...

7 Excuses That Prevent Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight? They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don’t? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple. The missing...

15 Reasons to Exercise

It's normal to have days where you just don't feel like exercising. You feel too busy, too stressed and quite simply too tired. And you forget about all the amazing benefits that a consistent and challenging exercise routine gives you. We’re here to remind you. 1. To...

Best Ab Revealing Exercises

Are you still doing dozens of crunches in the hopes of getting flat, washboard abs? Traditional crunches are old news, so let's take your ab routine to the next level with the following 5 Best Ab Exercises. The most effective ab exercises strengthen your core as a...

Top 10 Belly Fat Fighting Foods

Before we share our tips for getting rid of it with the right foods let’s look at 3 simple reasons why it appears: -Too many calories: when we eat more calories than we burn the excess is stored as fat –very simple and no amount of exercise will change that equation....

Want more? Check out our podcast

Mark Tregilgas, the founder and owner of 30 Plus Men’s Fitness talks all things training and nutrition for the busy over 30s male with little time.